Professional Triathlete & 4 X Ironman Champion

As a global athlete, who spends most of her time living out of a suitcase, it's hard to sometimes find trusted and respected massage therapists in each new place I stay. Therefore, having the Air Relax Compression system has been a huge and incredibly valued addition to my training and racing kit. Knowing that I now have my Air Relax boots with me to aid my recovery and training is a great confidence boost.
The different compression programs and levels of pressure is perfect for supplementing my training, depending on how my legs feel and what I think is needed to assist. Using the boots has become an integrated part of helping me to become the very best I can.
Susie Cheetham @susiecheetham
Professional Triathlete & 6th at Kona a few times & Ironman Champion

I started the 2017 triathlon season on a bit of a mission. I had to start the process of qualification from scratch in January. I knew it was going to take a lot out of my body and started looking for ways in which I could recover faster. I found Air Relax boots in April 2017 after Ironman African Championships and before Ironman South American Championships.
My boots allowed me to recover faster and get into a good block of training pre the South American Championships in Brazil. I’m now back training for Kona and I’m depending on my Air Relax boots. I use a 15-30 minute cycle after most days training. My legs are fresher after using the boots allowing me to get back into my routine quicker and hopefully get back into Kona shape as quickly as possible.
Patrik Nilsson @patriktri
Professional Triathlete & 5 X Ironman Champion

Air Relax helps me to recover after a +30h training week and makes sure I am recovered before my next training session. Never has compression been so helpful when recovery is everything before the next session. Air Relax helps me to recover, avoid injuries and reach new levels in my triathlon career.
Will Clarke @willclarketri
Olympic and Professional Triathlete & 3 X Sub 8Hr Ironman

I’m always look forward to coming back to my Air Relax boots after a hard training day or in-between sessions. When the boot squeezes your legs hard and then releases you can really feel the fresh blood flowing through the legs flushing fresh life to my legs. It feels great and I love having the excuse to sit back and relax and take 30 mins off my feet.
Eero Kilpelainen @kileer37
Professional Ice Hockey Player

I play professional ice hockey as a goalie for Örebro Hockey in the Swedish elite league, SHL. I wanted to maximize my recovery from training and games so I purchased Air Relax recovery system which I use every day. I feel this is a great product that speeds up the recovery. I use the boots also in the bus coming home from away games. Great product and equally great customer service! Thank you Air Relax!
Vaida Zusinaite @zuzu_running
Olympic Marathon Runner & Marathon 2:32,50 Half 1:15,51

Marathon running is a very difficult sport. I am running twice a day, sometimes I run more than 30km per day, and more than 500km per month. Friends call me a running machine :) but I am not! I am an athlete who works hard, but also I need good recovery. I am very happy to have found the Air Relax System, which helps me to recover faster! It’s also small and comfortable so I can take it everywhere!
Trevor Woods
Elite Triathlete & Exercise Physiologist

As an athlete with close to 30 years of training and competing I’m well aware of the need to optimize recovery if I want to maximize performance. The Air Relax system provides a quick and easy to use method of helping to recover tired legs from the comfort of your own home...